Thursday, May 29, 2008

redang trip (day 1)

reach to terenggu bus station around 6am.
have my breakfast 'nasi dagang' there.

susan and me with blue sea 'grey' sky, of cause and white sand

the 4 people that went to redang island
(me, susan, jie yi, guo bing)

mun in mask

train to be a professional 'self' camera women

mucular mun with friends, look fake :P

2 love - at more more tea inn

阿里山台湾香鸡排??in redang?? apa tu??

pathway to find blue sand

(but it seems like become extinct >.<)

am i look nice in this picture?? like i'm thinking somthing serious

the night in redang

(this is the 1st time i saw the fireworks so near)

1 comment:

dongui_1 said...

Wah.. pretty redang pictures!! Man, I wish I'll be able to go back some day. I went pass that taiwan chicken thing too when i was there... My friend actually bought it to eat at night >.<. 超贵 ler. But at least the drinks are cheaper than that RM5 can of 100plus adam bought.